Wednesday, October 26, 2005

How Suite it is

Last night upon my arrival home from work, my wife informed me that my long lost friend Keith had just called wanting to know if I could go to the Wild game as he had an extra ticket. Given it was free, I jumped on the chance to finally go to the XCEL Center and see a Wild game. Upon my arrival, I was handed the ticket by Keith and looked at it to see where we were sitting. Immediately the word "SUITE" stuck out at me. I looked bewilderly at Keith and he just grinned as he informed me that one of his buddies won the tickets.

The suite (#32 to be precise) was located directly behind the goal that the Wild were shooting at for the 1st and 3rd periods. I met the reps that were there for Taylor Corporation that owned the suite and thanked them for the tickets and let them know this was my first time at the X. They laughed and said that I get to sit in the front row of the suite and let me know that we all could dig into the free nachos, fajitas and soda.

I was in heaven. I have admittedly given up on following hockey years ago, but being at the game in such great seats brought back a lot of great memories of watching and following hockey as Keith and I reminisced about when we grew up watching hockey on SportsChannel.

Even though the Wild lost 3-1, it was a great night.


Anonymous said...

You lucky dog! This sounds awesome. I have never been to the X. Now I am jealous!

Anonymous said...

I been in that suite about 3 or 4 times now. Very good seats. Only better is the free tickets two rows behind the bench I won at the picnic. Yes, I work there.

Cheesehead Craig said...

If you can ever hook me up with tickets, I'd love to watch another game there. Keep me in mind.